How much does the average salary for Dental Hygienists in Louisiana? How muchdo Dental Hygienists Make in Louisiana?
The average dental hygienist salary in Louisiana is about $73,975 per year, the starting level dental hygienist salary is about $55,367, and the top-level dental hygienist salary in Louisiana is around $93,344.
How Much Does A Dental Hygienist Make in Louisiana?
In Louisiana, as of December 2021, a dental hygienist can make about $55,367 up to $93,344 per year, and the range mainly falls between $64,235 and $84,113 per year.

The average dental hygienist salary inLouisiana is around $73,975, which is a bit lower than the average salary for dental hygienists in Indiana, Georgia, Illinois, and Colorado, and higher than the average dental hygienist salary in Idaho, Kansas, and Kentucky.
The salary for adental hygienist inLouisiana ranges can vary widely depending on many factors, such as the location, certifications, education, the experiences you have earned in your work, and other additional skills.
Dental Hygienist Salary in Louisiana
In Louisiana, the minimum wage rate is $7.25 per hour. Workers inLouisiana receive a minimum wage equal to the Federal Minimum Wage of $7.25.
DentalHygienist Salaries in Cities in Louisiana
Location | Average Dental Hygienist Salary |
Abbeville, LA | $70,534 |
Abita Springs, LA | $75,770 |
Acme, LA | $67,798 |
Addis, LA | $71,797 |
Aimwell, LA | $67,798 |
Akers, LA | $74,960 |
Albany, LA | $71,180 |
Alexandria, LA | $68,415 |
Ama, LA | $76,224 |
Amelia, LA | $71,180 |
… | … |
You can check out more statistics on the dental hygienist salary in other states.
Dental Hygiene Schools in Louisiana
Currently, there are only three accredited colleges or universities in Louisiana that offer a Bachelor of Science degree or an Associate of Applied Science degree in Dental Hygiene. Below is the list of Dental Hygiene Schools in Louisiana.
- Southern University
- Louisiana State University School of Dentistry
- University of Louisiana at Monroe
Clicking here to learn How to Become a Dental Hygienist in Louisiana.
Dental Hygienist Salary by State
Below is each state’s average dental hygienist salary, starting, and top-level salary.