2023 Dental Hygienist Salary in North Dakota

The average dental hygienist salary in North Dakota is $74,733 per year, the starting level dental hygienist salary is $55,941per year, and top-level dental hygienist salary in ND is around $94,305.

Dental Hygienist Salary in North Dakota

How Much Does A Dental Hygienist Make in North Dakota?

In 2023, a dental hygienist in North Dakota can make from $55,941 up to $94,305 per year, the range mainly falls between $64,897 and $84,978 per year. 

The average dental hygienist salary in North Dakota is around $74,733, which is a bit lower than the average dental hygienist salary in Michigan, Maryland, and Indiana, and the dental hygienist salary in Illinois.

Dental Hygienist Salary in North Dakota






DentalHygienist Salaries in Cities in North Dakota

LocationAverage Dental Hygienist Salary
Mandan, ND$77,694
West Fargo, ND$74,670
Abercrombie, ND$73,476
Absaraka, ND$73,476
Adams, ND$70,284
Agate, ND$73,392
Alamo, ND$76,500
Alexander, ND$76,500
Almont, ND$76,500
Alsen, ND$70,284

You can check out more statistics on the dental hygienist salary in other states.

Dental Hygiene Schools in North Dakota

Currently, there is only one CODA-accredited dental hygiene school in North Dakota. This dental hygiene school offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Dental Hygiene or an Associate of Applied Science degree in Dental Hygiene.

  • North Dakota State College of Science
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