Home Dental Hygiene Salary Dental Hygienist Salary in New Hampshire

Dental Hygienist Salary in New Hampshire

How much does a dental hygienist make in New Hampshire? The average dental hygienist salary in New Hampshire is $80,782 per year, the starting-level dental hygienist salary is about $60,469 per year, and the top-level dental hygienist salary New Hampshire is $101,938.

How much does a dental hygienist make near New Hampshire?

In 2022, a dental hygienist in New Hampshire can make from $60,469 up to $101,938 per year, the range mainly falls between $70,149 and $91,856 per year. 

The average dental hygienist salary in New Hampshire is around $80,782. The dental hygienist salary New Hampshire is higher than the dental hygienist salary in many states in the U.S.

Dental Hygienist Salary in New Hampshire

Thedental hygienist salary inNew Hampshire ranges can vary widely depending on many factors, such as the location, certifications, education, the experiences you have earned in your profession, and additional skills.

Dental Hygienist Salary in New Hampshire






DentalHygienist Salaries in Cities in New Hampshire

LocationAverage Dental Hygienist Salary
Bedford, NH$81,657
Derry, NH$83,872
Merrimack, NH$86,274
Salem, NH$85,000
Acworth, NH$81,110
Alstead, NH$81,110
Alton, NH$81,279
Alton Bay, NH$81,259
Amherst, NH$86,274
Andover, NH$81,302

You can check out more statistics on the dental hygienist salary in other states.

Dental Hygiene Schools in New Hampshire

There is one CODA-accredited dental hygiene school in New Hampshire. The NHTI-Concord’s Community College offer a Bachelor of Science degree in Dental Hygiene or an Associate of Applied Science degree in Dental Hygiene.

  • NHTI-Concord’s Community College

Dental Hygienist Salary by State

Below is each state’s average dental hygienist salary, starting, and top-level salary.