Dental Hygienist Salary in Rhode Island

The average dental hygienist salary in Rhode Island is $83,886 per year, the starting level dental hygienist salary is about $62,792 one year, and top-level dental hygienist salary Rhode Island is around $105,855 one year.

How much does a Dental Hygienist make near Rhode Island?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2022, a dental hygienist in Rhode Island can make from $62,792 up to $105,855 per year, the range mainly falls between $72,845 and $95,385 per year. 

In 2023, the average dental hygienist salary in Rhode Island was around $83,886. The average dental hygienist salary in RI was higher than the average dental hygienist salary in most states in the U.S.

Dental Hygienist Salary Rhode Island

As we know, the dental hygienist salary Rhode Island ranges can vary widely depending on different factors, such as the work location, certifications, education, the professional experiences you have earned in your profession, and additional skills.

Dental Hygienist Salary in Rhode Island






Dental Hygienist Salary Rhode Island

LocationAverage Dental Hygienist Salary
Coventry, RI$83,646
Cumberland, RI$83,806
East Providence, RI$83,806
Narragansett, RI$84,170
Tiverton, RI$84,602
Westerly, RI$84,684
Woonsocket, RI$83,726
Adamsville, RI$84,575
Albion, RI$83,806
Ashaway, RI$84,865

You can check out more statistics on the dental hygienist salary in other states.

Dental Hygiene Schools in Rhode Island

There is only one CODA-accredited dental hygiene school in Rhode Island that offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Dental Hygiene or an Associate of Applied Science degree in Dental Hygiene.

  • Community College of Rhode Island

Dental Hygienist Salary by State

Below is each state’s average dental hygienist salary, starting, and top-level salary.

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